Monday, March 3, 2008

Custom Sneakers...

Aiigght so now-a-days everybody is rockin custom kicks. To me its the essence of Hip Hop culture, expression through fashion. While diggin' through the mighty internet I stumble on to some fresh sites for kicks. Now mind you ALOT of these sites have shoes that are WAAAAAY to pricey, unless you're a person who has a endless amount of loot or no bills to pay. So I recommend that you customzie your own, after all this is what gives you a one of a kind pair of kicks, while ballin' on a budget! lol
Check these you tube joints of peeps customizing their kicks!
Sneaker Pimps:

Custom Kicks-Culture Kings:

Sneaker Porn Ep.1:

Just a taste of what cats are doing, more to come!
Got a vid or pix of custom kix?? Send us some and we'll post em up 4 you!

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